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Sparkle #95: Travel Manifestos

I know what you are thinking – why am I writing about manifestos today? A manifesto sounds like a very serious term, something that we would associate more with politics and less with travel. Loosely defined, a manifesto means a public declaration of intentions and views of an individual or group. However, having a manifesto need not be restricted to just political parties or people; one can establish intentions for any facet of their life!  These days, people come up with plenty of interesting manifestos focusing on different themes such as health and nutrition, spirituality, mindful living, specific hobbies like travel and other activities connected with their lives. If…

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Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Aloha folks! If you have been reading this space, you know I will be traveling for the next two weeks across Europe and US. There will be no sparkle posts for these two weeks, but I promise to be back with a bang in June. I will definitely try and give you some photographic updates during this period. So miss me, and wish me safe, fun, happy and exciting travels! Keep it sparkly! (Image Credits)

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Sparkle #71: Fun Travel Quizzes

I know it’s Friday, but as promised, I am going to publish all the sparkle posts I had initially planned for this week! So starting where we left off, here is the travel tales post I had initially planned to publish on Tuesday. Last weekend I stumbled upon these super fun travel quizzes on Buzzfeed’s website and ended up killing a lot of time online just figuring out which European city I can live in, or which US city I should visit next! My favorite quizzes were: Where in the US should you travel next? I got San Francisco, and that’s kind of accurate…

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A Wandering Gypsy

Hello people! If you have been reading my blog, you know I love traveling! Each time I pack that suitcase and take off on a trip, I discover something new about myself! I feel my most honest, gorgeous and true self when I travel. I feel lighter, happier and real – travel brings out the best in me! I have been lucky and had opportunities to travel a lot – both for business and pleasure. I have had some fantastic experiences, met wonderful people and made memories to last me a lifetime! So in an endeavor to document these lovely moments, I will soon share with…

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