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Sparkle #193: Business Advice from TV Shows

Happy Monday folks! I looked at the calendar today and realized it’s almost June – the middle of the year. I cannot believe the pace at which this year is moving. I feel like I am always playing catch-up with both my personal and professional to-do list. There’s always so much to be done, and so little time… Thinking about life, time and my lengthy list of things to do always brings my spirits down. So to cheer up my Monday, I thought of seeking advice from some of my favorite people in the world – TV show characters! A while back, I wrote a post…

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Sparkle #120: Shoes, Bags and Shades

Ever wanted to update your fashion vocabulary so you can rattle off shoe and bag names with confidence? If you want to familiarize yourself with fashion terms so you can easily identify a slingback from a pump or call out the difference between messenger and saddle bags, then refer to these amazing fashion info-graphics from Fractals. The charts below will give you a low down on the most popular type of shoes, bags and shades so you are never confused about them again! I definitely learnt something new from each info-graphic, plus I feel these will also be super handy when shopping. Do have a look at the charts below and…

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Sparkle #119: Chocolate Around the World

Would you travel for Chocolate? I know I would! Science says chocolate is a definite happiness booster, and I couldn’t agree more! It easily fits in with most menus or cuisines, is available in a variety of forms and flavors and often tops the list of comforting, indulgent and stress busting foods. There are plenty of shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants across the world which celebrate chocolate in all it’s glory. Whatever your next destination, be sure to look up ‘chocolate’ and I am sure you will find at least one novel chocolate cafe in that place which you would want to try during your trip. These chocolate shops across…

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Sparkle #118: Life Advice from Cartoons

Happy Monday people, another week and another chance to get it right! Every Monday, I post something inspirational so we can start our week on the right note. This week, I wanted to share this info-graphic from Buzzfeed which has some amazing life quotes from fictional characters. Although these first appeared in kids entertainment programs, they probably make for more sound advice than anything adults can offer. Each one of these is worth a read, and remembering them first thing in the morning will help start the day on a positive note! In fact, I think this image deserves to be printed and put on our workstations so we can stay motivated…

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