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Sparkle #171: Daily Inspiration Jar DIYs

January is a month for new promises, fresh starts and inspiration to be a better “you” in the new year. But as the months roll by and we get caught in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we forget these reminders / resolutions and quickly fall into our old habits which are so tough to break. So this month, while I am still feeling motivated for the year ahead, I decided to create some reminders which would help me stay grateful and inspired to make a positive start every day of the new year (and not just in January!). You must be wondering what I am talking about? Well…

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Default, LIVING

Hello 2016!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2016 brings us many shiny, happy, bright and beautiful moments. I am grateful for 2015, it gave me some spectacular memories. Somehow, when I look back and reflect, I can only remember the things which went well, or the learning’s from what didn’t work out. So 2015 will always be special – for all the traveling, meeting kind strangers, spontaneous decisions, train rides, playing tourist in my own city, evenings out with friends, discovering Spotify and Zumba, re-discovering Yoga, for Google, for my old team (and the new one), participating in a leadership program, mixing cocktails, shooting a movie, juice cleanses and my blog! Time flew really quickly…

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Default, LIVING

Missing in Action

Hello lovelies! I am not one to go MIA without dropping a note, so you must be wondering what happened and where are all the lovely sparkle posts I had promised for this week? Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you go through a phase where you experience highs and lows simultaneously. I am moving roles (within the same organization) and will be working with a new team starting January. So this last week, my team threw me a wonderful farewell lunch, showered me with thoughtful gifts which brought a tear to my eye and made me feel so special and loved. I am touched…

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Sparkle #162: Holiday Quotes for December!

Happy Monday everyone! It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A time to be your most happy, shiny, bright and positive self. A time to reflect and hope, a time to be thankful for the present and optimistic about the future, a time to make wishes and believe that they will come true. Like I said before, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! For the start of this week (and December), I just wanted to share a few of my favorite holiday quotes to get you into a happy and sparkly mood for the rest of 2015. Take some time this month to…

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Sparkle #154: Thanksgiving Wishes & Quotes

Happy Monday folks! November is coming to an end, and this week is perhaps one of the most blessed weeks of the year. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, because it focuses on two very important aspects of our life – family and gratitude. Each year, the Thanksgiving week brings with it a whole lot of abundance and happiness. It is a time to focus on the gifts we have, a time to be thankful for our blessings, and a time to make these blessings count in our lives. Thanksgiving is also a wonderful excuse to give – more time to your family, love to everyone around you and a helping…

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