Happy 2023 to my readers – both old and new! There is something about the start of a new year which infuses fresh energy and rigor into our dreams, goals and resolutions. Technically it is just a date change on the calendar, but still we party on the 31st and then magically start eating healthy and working out from the 1st (or atleast I do!).
I was thinking about my 2023 resolutions while binge watching Younger (a TV series I love) when the character of Diana Trout dropped this gem of a quote in Season 6 (watch a clip here):
“Dreams we have as a child, dreams we pack in a box for college, dreams you unpack when you move into your first apartment, who you’ll meet, where you’ll work, who you’ll fall in love with. Think you have it all figured out. Life has better ideas. A bigger imagination takes bigger chances than someone like me a year ago moving through her forties in a cloud of old ideas. Life gives you more than you thought but maybe not in the package you expected. It’s deeper than that. It’s what you need underneath the want. It gives you what you can’t breathe without. So go ahead and plan, just know when all your scheming, and planning, and hoping is done, life plans back.”
This dialogue struck me hard. I am both a dreamer and a planner, and I have always believed I can conquer the world armed with my goals, organizers and many to-do lists. And while I have achieved a lot, the truth is that not every dream has been fulfilled and not every plan taken to completion. I have always been of the opinion that life is equal parts work and luck, and this quote reinforced my belief. Things don’t always work out the way we want and that is usually because there is something bigger and better out there for us, something that we might not be able to envision ourselves.

So should we stop dreaming? Stop having ambition, desires, goals? Stop planning and stop pursuing our aspirations and leave it all to fate? Absolutely not! We must continue to dream, because to dream is to hope, to strive, to live. And we must make goals and plans and then act upon them to bring those dreams to fruition. But we need to detach ourselves from the final outcomes of our efforts. Because sometimes results might be delayed, and sometimes if something isn’t meant for you, you might not get any results at all. But that is okay!
And in life we can always alter our path, set fresh goals and pursue new dreams. You must have heard this quote often – “it is the journey that matters and not the destination”. So on this journey called life, feel free to alter your course, take new roads and start all over again when needed.

Having the self awareness that everything might not end up being the way you want, but it will still be what you need combined with knowing when to let go will bring you much peace in life. Which is why I say – dream, plan, do – and then let go, let God! Have faith in a higher power. This is advice I have given myself time and again, and it seemed like a good reminder to ring in the new year.
On a lighter note, this blog is something I both want and need 😉 so here’s hoping (dreaming) that I will manifest some more blog posts in 2023.
Wishing all my readers a very peaceful year ahead. Visit me often and stay sparkly!
Image Credits: Unsplash, Cups and Thoughts, Lost in Books, Pinterest, Society19, Nicole x Knox
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