Guest Post: Beautiful Haiku Poetry

Hello people, today we have a guest post on the blog (our first) from an incredibly talented writer, a regular reader and an even more wonderful friend – Nicole!

Nicole is one of those creative, literary geniuses who is blessed with a natural flair for writing. She works in the art department of a leading advertising agency (but of course!) and her campaigns have always been well appreciated by clients and award juries alike.

Her writing can have many shades – inspiring, funny, poignant or sweet, but just like her – it’s always full of magic! So without further delay, publishing a short poem submitted by the talented Nicole. Go ahead and enjoy, and don’t forget to show her some love via comments below. We do hope she will write for us again!

haiku japanese poetry on pumpernickel pixie


When the spotlights dim,
When opinions have been aired,
The inner voice speaks.

(This poem follows the poetic meter of a haiku, which is a Japanese poetry form. So the syllable count on the first line is 5, on the second line is 7 and on the third line is 5 again.)

 (Image Credits)

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