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How to Get Your Happy On!

Spring has finally sprung (yesterday was the Spring Equinox) and today UN is celebrating the International Day of Happiness. If you click this link, you can actually download a free Happiness Guidebook which is packed with ideas to create a happier life!

Coming back to celebrating today, I wanted to leave you with 10 things you can do to get an instant boost of happiness.

  1. Start your day with a good breakfast, native to your home town.
  2. Ditch social media and read that book you have been wanting to read.
  3. Organize one thing, anything – desk, photos or your to-do for next week.
  4. Eat some chocolate in any form, perhaps this?
  5. Make your own bucket list for 2016.
  6. Watch/listen/dance to this.
  7. Watch something that definitely cracks you up!
  8. Spend time with your grandparents or your nieces/nephews.
  9. Go for a walk outside, preferably in a nice green garden or park.
  10. And to end your “happy” day just right, go to bed early tonight.

happy place, How to Get Your Happy On, #happy, #happiness, #dayofhappiness, spring equinox, international day of happiness, happy, how to be happy, create a happy life, celebrate happiness, happy everyday, ten things to make you happy, get happy now, instant happiness, jyo, pumpernickel pixie

Image Credits: 1, 2, 3

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  • Reply Nicole April 8, 2016 at 06:43

    I can guarantee that eating a good breakfast on a relaxed day, spending time with neices and nephews and eating chocolate bring instant happiness. Reading a good book too. The only one I’d chuck from this list is organising my desk!!

    • Reply Jyo April 9, 2016 at 12:02

      Ha ha 🙂 I knew you would say that!

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