Spring has finally sprung (yesterday was the Spring Equinox) and today UN is celebrating the International Day of Happiness. If you click this link, you can actually download a free Happiness Guidebook which is packed with ideas to create a happier life!
Coming back to celebrating today, I wanted to leave you with 10 things you can do to get an instant boost of happiness.
- Start your day with a good breakfast, native to your home town.
- Ditch social media and read that book you have been wanting to read.
- Organize one thing, anything – desk, photos or your to-do for next week.
- Eat some chocolate in any form, perhaps this?
- Make your own bucket list for 2016.
- Watch/listen/dance to this.
- Watch something that definitely cracks you up!
- Spend time with your grandparents or your nieces/nephews.
- Go for a walk outside, preferably in a nice green garden or park.
- And to end your “happy” day just right, go to bed early tonight.
I can guarantee that eating a good breakfast on a relaxed day, spending time with neices and nephews and eating chocolate bring instant happiness. Reading a good book too. The only one I’d chuck from this list is organising my desk!!
Ha ha
I knew you would say that!