Make your own Magic!

We all go through phases when life gets tough and looking for bright spots or silver linings feels harder than usual. If I am feeling particularly lost and exhausted, and nothing seems to help, I abandon all efforts to make massive changes in my life and instead pour my attention into the tiniest of activities that make me happy. Moon gazing, watching reruns of FRIENDS on TV, hot coffee and cake for breakfast, reading in my garden, rearranging my room or just cuddling with my puppy! You don’t always have to take a trip, make an expensive purchase or initiate a massive lifestyle change to get out of a rut. Happiness, positivity and peace can be found in both big and small moments.

This is why I went all out while setting up my Christmas Tree this year. It took me almost 3 days to get it up with all the lights and ornaments, and then I went a step further to add a truly magical touch in the form of my Christmas Train. I had so much fun shopping for new ornaments, thinking of creative placements and organising this festive little corner. Setting up my tree helped me rewire my brain to stop focussing on everything that was falling apart and instead think about everything that was going right for me (which is a lot!). As I kept building and adding more elements to the tree, I was filled with a renewed sense of hope and luck for the coming year. All December, my tree served as a gentle reminder that we can always bring magic into our lives through the right thoughts and actions. I hope that as we step into 2024, we can all keep this in mind and create magic in our everyday. ✨️💖🎱

The Christmas Train is from Mr. Christmas, the tree is sourced from a local market and the ornaments and decor are literally from all over the world.

PS – Checkout my earlier Christmas Tree decor here, here and here.

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