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Sparkle #204: Spring has Sprung!

Hello beautiful people, are you ready for spring? I know I am! Today is the Spring Equinox, which marks the beginning of spring across the world. Today is one of the only two days in the year when the day and night are equal in length and perfectly in balance! Coincidentally, today is also the International Day of Happiness and the start of the Persian New Year. Which in my mind is kind of perfect, because how can one feel anything but happy on a balmy spring day in March? I am always on the lookout for special rituals that one can create to…

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Default, LIVING

Sparkle #203: Hey 2017 – Let’s Do This!

Happy 2017 to all you happy, shiny people! There’s something about 2017 that’s got me all excited and optimistic – this year feels like it’s going to be magical. Or maybe this is just the hope that kicks in with the start of a new year talking. 365 days, 52 weeks and 12 splendid months which we can fill with fresh moments and new stories. So let’s go all out this year and make lots of magical memories. Every year in January, I do a post on new year resolutions (2015, 2016) or share printables (2015, 2016) which could help us plan better for the year ahead.…

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Sparkle #199: Challenge Yourself to be “Complaint-free”

Happy Monday people! I have been so bad with the blog this year, and I am very disappointed for not putting in more time on my site. Without giving long explanations, let me just admit that the first half of 2016 went by in the blink of an eye. It’s already August, so perhaps this week and next I should slow down and check in on what I have been up to this year. I often wonder if I am being busy or productive, but I think I am too scared to really find that out! Let’s come back to August and the start of…

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Sparkle #193: Business Advice from TV Shows

Happy Monday folks! I looked at the calendar today and realized it’s almost June – the middle of the year. I cannot believe the pace at which this year is moving. I feel like I am always playing catch-up with both my personal and professional to-do list. There’s always so much to be done, and so little time… Thinking about life, time and my lengthy list of things to do always brings my spirits down. So to cheer up my Monday, I thought of seeking advice from some of my favorite people in the world – TV show characters! A while back, I wrote a post…

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Featured, LIVING

Out With The Old, In With The New

I am writing this post from a room which is bare, empty and feels cold, even though today is a particularly warm summer day. All the paraphernalia on my desk has been packed in boxes, and the pictures and postcards on the walls have been stripped off. No, I am not moving anywhere. I am simply re-building my study room / work-space. After a lot of thinking, planning, postponing and some more planning, I finally decided that I had to re-do my room this year. Over the last few years, I have collected and parked a lot of memories and a whole lot more objects in…

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