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Silver Linings

Aloha everyone! How has your week been so far? This was the first time in four months that I missed publishing my sparkle posts for three days in a row! First technology gave up on me, and by the time that got fixed, I was completely occupied with visa and other issues for an upcoming travel. The last two weeks have been pretty stressful, and my daily de-stress mantra is this blog, so missing those posts didn’t help! Here’s hoping this doesn’t happen again.

This Monday, I wrote a post about training our brain to see the positives in every situation. I didn’t realize I would get a chance to test that out on myself in the same week! I am not saying I did a good job of staying positive and calm when things were falling all around me, but I did realize that there were several lovely moments in this week, and I didn’t enjoy them as much since I was only focusing on the negative stuff. I feel like I could have reacted better in some situations (laptop crash) by being calmer and by looking at the brighter side of things (a good nights sleep)! One of the reasons I started this blog was that it would help me stay positive and grateful, and serve as a reminder for letting go of anger, jealousy and other negative feelings! I now know that I have to make a lot of efforts on this front and constantly train my mind to see the silver lining in every dark cloud!

Coming back to the happy stuff, I received some wonderful surprises this week! It is so warm to receive unexpected gifts from friends and it is even more special when the gifts have been thought through based on your likes! Everyone around me knows my love for Paris and my obsession with owls. People tell me each time they see something related to owls, they cannot resist picking it up for me! Three of my friends were traveling recently, and brought back these super cute gifts:

This delightful miniature owl from Holland
miniature owl figurine pumpernickel pixie

This lovely teal and gold silk purse with string pearls from Spain
teal gold lace silk purse pearls string pumpernickel pixie

This gorgeous painting of ChampsÉlysées from the streets of Paris
champs elysees france paris street art painting pumpernickel pixie

And bohemian owl jewelry from Spain
 boho owl jewelry vintage owl jewelry owl necklace owl pocket watch owl bracelet pumpernickel pixie

I feel so lucky and blessed to have such thoughtful people in my life! Akshay, Ashish and Udita – thanks for remembering me and gifting me such delights! This lifted my spirits through an otherwise dull week.

Another silver lining this week was discovering this mobile cover which is completely made for me! Inspired by the lyrics of an extremely popular song, ‘Awara’ (Hindi: आवारा) loosely translates into ‘Vagabond/Wanderer’. It couldn’t have been more perfect! 🙂

nexus 5 quirky mobile cover awara raj kapoor pumpernickel pixie

So there you are – several happy surprises which got me through a rough week. Lesson learnt: there is always something to look forward to! Stay positive, happy and patient!

PS – Now that I am back, stay tuned for an update on all the pending posts from this week! I am going to make up for all the sparkle we missed by spreading extra shimmer today!

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